Zurich's Long Night of Museums 2018
Saturday, 1 September 2018, 19.00 to 02.00

Join us on a research journey into deep space! Experience moon- and marsquakes, fly to the edge of the universe, and get fascinated about space phenomena.
... 3 - 2 - 1 - lift-off!
Program in focusTerra
19.00–02.00 (continuously)
Expedition Solar System – Join ETH Zurich on a journey into space
Special exhibition in German with English handouts
19.00–02.00 (continuously)
Space mission
Augmented Reality treasure hunt
App download via www.gtc.ethz.ch/app
19.00–02.00 (continuously)
Mars-, moon-, and earthquakes
Geology in the simulator
19.00–02.00 (continuously)
Food Universe
Hot dogs and drinks
DR. DOG Hot Dog Catering: external page www.drdog.ch
19.00–00.00 (continuously)
Space phenomena explained
Interacitve experiments and exhibits
19:30, 21:45, 00:00 (approx. 30 Min)
Weltraumzirkus (only in German)
Physics show
Presented by Physik-Institut, University of Zurich
20:15, 22:30 (ca. 30 Min.)
Kollision im Weltall (only in German)
Presentation by Dr Matthias Meier, Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology, ETH Zurich
21:00, 23:15, 00:45 (ca. 20 Min.)
Final frontiers?
Short film
In collaboration with the planetarium Verkehrshaus Luzern
Admission fees apply for Zurich’s Long Night of Museums.