Earthquake simulator

When the Earth shakes
The Earth Science exhibition focusTerra hosts an earthquake simulator. The facility, weighing a massive 3 tonnes, can simulate the ground motion of earthquakes up to magnitude 8. The electrically driven simulator is furnished with tables and other movable objects and can seat up to 10 people. Using real recorded seismic signals and with no risk, visitors can experience the phenomenon of an 'earthquake'.
The project and the construction of the simulator was commissioned by the Federal Office for Environment (BAFU), with the support of the Building Insurance of the Canton Freiburg (KGV) and the Foundation for Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering in 2006.
The earthquake simulation is not only intended to increase the public's awareness of Switzerland's vulnerable to earthquakes, but also to demonstrate safe personal behavior and practice in the case of an earthquake. Along with lectures, experiments, guided tours and special topics, the earthquake simulator is formally open to children.
Please note
The earthquake simulator is not freely accessible, but only in the context of a one-hour guided tour.
On Sunday a free, public tour will take place at 11.00, respectively 13.00 and 15.00.
The visit of the earthquake simulator is at one's own risk.
Any responsibility will be declined by the ETH Zurich. The visit of the simulator is not suitable for infants under age of 5, people with back or neck problems or other infirmity, as well as for pregnant women. Children from 5 to 11 years old are welcome only if accompanied by adults.
SRF visiting focusTerra and the Swiss Seismological Service
ETH Zurich simulates earthquakes
TV programme 'Kids News', 17 February 2023
There were severe earthquakes in Turkey and Syria in February 2023 – tens of thousands of people died or were injured. How does an earthquake occur? Are there different stages? And does this also happen in Switzerland? 'SRF Kids News' provides answers.
ETH Zurich simulates earthquakes
TV programme '10 vor 10', 14 January 2010
The Haitians live on a dangerous ground – under the Caribbean island runs a fault in the Earth's crust. That always leads to earthquakes. At the ETH Zurich, an earthquake of magnitude 7 can be simulated.
'Einstein' in the earthquake simulator
TV programme in SRF, 1 October 2009.