Submission photo competition

1. Personal data

If your photo and your personal story are published on the website or as part of the exhibition, they will be displayed with your first name, age, and the location where you took the photo.


2. Photo

Please provide the specific location where you took the photo.


What is the title of your photo?


Upload your photo here.
The photo should have a resolution as high as possible.
Tip: By right-clicking on your photo, you should be able to view information about the photo.


3. Personal story

Enter the category to which you submit your photo.

Answer the following questions as short and concise as possible:
(max. 400 characters with spaces)

  • For Category 1: What do you want to protect? How is it threatened by climate change? Why does it matter to you?
  • For Category 2: How do you protect the climate? How does it help the climate? Why do you want to protect the climate?

4. Terms and conditions

Before submitting, please read the terms and conditions of the competition carefully:


Please confirm that you have taken the photo and written the story yourself:


If you are under 18 years old, please also upload the consent form, signed by a legal guardian:



I would like to receive a copy of the form content by email.

Note: The data will be sent unencrypted via Internet and may possibly be read by third parties.

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